Sunday, January 24, 2010


so, tonight wasn't exactly part of our New Year's Revolution, per se. mr zebra and I have enjoyed Ethiopian together in the past. the admiral and conductor, however, not so. they are both what i would call.. living inside of a box. and they like it there. but, that kind of thing is nearly impossible when i'm around. and so, in celebration of my last day inside of the orange box, we celebrated with Ethiopian at the Abyssinian in the West End of Hartford. And, due to the fact that we all must be up early, please don't expect this entry to be filled with quite the.. explanation.. of the last. Essentially, everyone had to leave as soon as I got their basic opinion of the experience.

Sadly, I was a complete idiot and forgot to take a picture of the sign, but this is where it should have gone.
This is also where I was going to put and amusing video of the Admiral in it's place, but I can't seem to figure how to get it off of my camera yet.
So, instead, check out my spiffy new shoes. I got them on clearance and intend on wearing them to my new job. Often. (I got a pair of blue ones, too.)

Now, Ethiopian is a very.. communal dinner. You are served one large, round platter covered in a piece of bread called Injera (please congratulate me for knowing that!). Basically, it's a large, bland, flabby pancake. "it felt like I was eating a sponge!" "it was porous! that's what it was!" The Admiral and Conductor were both surprised to find that, when the meal said it was served with a salad, the salad actually came in small, individual piles on the platter spaced with what may be been spinach piles and bean-like piles (similar to hummus).

Along side the platter were small plates of more of the same bread and each meal was served in a small bowl with a large spoon.

I had Yebeg Alcha. Lamb, simmered in mild sauce of butter, onions, ginger and turmeric. I'm not going to lie. I played it safe. I start a new job tomorrow.. adventurous may not always be the best option in such a case.

The Admiral enjoyed Yesege Alicha Be-Denish. Beef chunks and potatoes cooked with vegetable oil, garlic, carrots, onions, and green peppers. "it was.. interesting. it was good. it had the foreign taste to it. i don't know how to describe it. it had that ::snap, snap:: non American taste to it." and there, we have the Admiral at his finest.

Ah, and Mr Zebra. Happily, he did not get what he had last time! Although, it was completely similar to the Admiral's.  Yesega Wot Be-Denish. Beef chunks and potatoes simmered in red pepper sauce with ginger root, garlic, onions, carrots and cardamon. "i don't know how to do push ups! it was fantastic. it had great flavor! i enjoyed it much more than the last time we went."

Lastly, Conductor. He's a pretty pessimistic SOB recently, not gonna lie. Yesega Wot - Beef simmered in red pepper sauce (Berbere), seasoned with green pepper, ginger root, garlic, onions, and cardamon. "it was the kind of food you knew was going to give you diarrhea later. eh. i got nothing for ya." For the record, Conductor is an ass and that is a complete lie. We all grabbed at everyone else's and it was all delicious.

Speaking of being grabbed at.. you didn't think you ate off the giant spoon, didja? Like Admiral, would you see yourself shoveling it into your mouth with a large utensil? No, actually you shovel it into your mouth with your hands. Would it be wrong to say "What else would you expect from Ehtiopea? You thought they could afford spoons?" when typical responses from people when I mention my love for this place are 'I've always wanted to go to an air bar!' or 'what do they serve? malnourishment?' Really, now.

Basically, you spoon your dinner choice on to the large platter along with everyone else's and using pieces of the bread you tore from the piles, you scoop/grab/pinch it and do your best to get it in your mouth.

It's a lot of fun! And, since everyone is grabbing from the same giant platter, you can mix, grab and try what ever you'd like in all sorts of interesting ways, ie, grab the lamb and the beef and some of that spinach stuff. Or substitute any of the above for the bean pile/salad/etc. Just the act of it all is great - - like a team building exercise or something.
Even thought the pessimistic thoughts of Conductor and the skeptical comments of the Admiral (who I am very proud of, I must say. Trying new things is very unlike him!), it looks like everyone enjoyed it, don't ya think?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Taste Of India

okay. please allow me to explain that i am not a very worldly person.  but i've always wanted to be.
"[mr zebra], do you think you're a worldly person?"
"i dunno. what do you think? don't think you're a worldly person?"
"no, but i've always wanted to be."
"me, too."
so, forgive me if i am completely horrible at all of this. most of the time, i'll probably have no idea what i'm eating most of the time, nor how to pronounce it. mr zebra is good at that stuff, but it doesn't much help me here. anyway..

tonight, we went to Taste Of India in West Hartford, CT. we thought it be a good place to start because we both have dabbled in indian food in the past. by dabbled, i mean, i followed instructions on what to take from a buffet and he and i both once grabbed some in a mall in Providence, RI.

we started with this mix of appetizers. all the description said was "a mix of vegetarian and non vegetarian appetizers." thanks for the help, Taste Of India. so, it sort of went as follows.
onion clump. which was, decidedly, an indian version of a bloomin' onion. ha. it was completely different than that, really, but very delicious.
potato/spinach clump. also very delicious. but neither of us know if it really contained potato or spinach.
meat-filled wanton-like thing. can i explain it any better? well, it had peas in it, too. not too exciting of a snack, but we enjoyed it.
vegetable/potato-filled wanton-like-thing. see above. also, it may not have been potato.
chicken-like finger. i'd imagine getting this at a drive through. and it was quite good dipped in that sweetish red sauce you see pictured.
potato patty? again, it may not have been potato. i honestly have no idea what i was consuming. but, we compared it to a shepherd's pie lacking meat and in patty-like form. again, very delicious. but it only came with one so we had to split it.

i'm sure any food connoisseur hates me right now.

 i was saddened a bit by mr zebra's choice of dinner. it's the same thing he had at the mall. bad way of celebrating the New Year's Revolution, especially at our first stop. but, what can i say? he knows what he likes.  Chicken Tikkamasalla.
"it was good, if boring. it was bland. it was good, i mean, you tasted it. it was sweet, delicious, but bland."
and that's that. i did enjoy the bit that i had. obviously this, and mine were eaten over rice.

"you're right. i should have gotten a more exciting.. thing. to eat."

Rogan Josh. not be be confused with groban, josh. it was actually delicious lamb. with some spices and brown sauce. still don't know what that white drip was. but, i'd get it again and be happy. however, if we were to go back, i'd get something else. because i'm adventurous like that.

that, my friends, was one choice of dessert. Gulab Jaman. described as 'cheese ball dipped in syrup.' um. well. pancake. that's the best explanation i've got for that. i don't understand what makes it a cheese ball. it was warm, which, i guess, surprised me. sort of like i expected something.. but i don't know what that something was.

and that. well. that was the other dessert. Ras Malai. 'homemade creamcheese patties served in sweet cream sauceflavored with cardamon and garnished with pistachio' (please note, it was written as is. "sauceflavored" which made us both laugh a bit). hmm. how could i explain this one? a cold, milky.. sponge. "that's exactly what it was." again, i don't understand where there cheese comes in to play. "neither of them tasted like cheese. at all. it's ridiculous." i'm sure it's just that we have no concept of this food at all. it was cold. and once you chewed (ie; squeezed) the sweet miky goodness out, it was just dry and bland-cookie-like-sponge in your mouth.
i wanted to go with the other dessert, which consisted of something like milk and rice and fruits and raisins. but mr zebra vetoed that. i'm not going to listen to him anymore.

on the way out, there was something that looked like birdseed in a bowl. it had a spoon and it was next to the toothpicks. so, i tried it. somehow, a mass of what looked like different things all tasted like black licorice. i HATE black licorice. and i couldn't get all of the little seeds out of my mouth. but, anyway, it was an experience.

all and all, it was a great evening. there was a lot of laughter (especially in the 20 minutes we were waiting for someone to come over to find out if/what we wanted for dessert. ah, well. would i eat this food again? in a heartbeat. at this place in particular, probably not. there are plenty of other places to experiment with.
"[mr zebra], what did you think of the experience?"
"i thought it was good. that's all. um. it was a good time! see i sound like an idiot when you type it out like that.. the food was good and, yeah, we had a good time. i think you said it all."

and that, friends, is the end.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year! Wecome to TwentyTen.

A Dining Revolution.
One brand new dining experience a month (or more).

'the bomb of the season is a velvet revolution..'